Where is my FQDN for my V2 IaaS VM?


I created a shiny new V2 IaaS Azure VM using the Preview Portal and I can’t figure out the FQDN.


Use New-AzurePublicIpAddress cmdlet to assign a public IP with a domain name label and associate it with the NIC on the VM.


I wanted to stand up a Linux VM in Azure as a Docker host today.  I saw the option to select a deployment model and thought “what is this?”. 

Oh, cool, they now support Resource Manager.  Why not? What could go wrong? 

The Resource Group and all the resources spun up very quickly.  I knew this was a good idea!  I fire up Putty and type <myVMName>.cloudapp.net but it failed to connect.  That is strange; let me go see what the cloud service name is.  Hmm, that is weird - I can’t find the cloud service. I will just return to the current portal and find it there.  Okay, now I don’t see any of the resources I just created.  I press F5 a few times, but no luck. Now I am thinking “did anything actually get created?”. I return to the Preview Portal and there is my Resource Group and my VM inside.  Okay, there is a public IP; let me see if this machine is really running.  I use the IP in Putty and I am able to connect.  Okay, so it is working. But no one in their right mind would use the IP address over a FQDN.  That would be up on the top 10 list of stupid things to do.  So the FQDN has to be in here somewhere. There is no way the portal is missing that.  Come on, it has to be here somewhere.  I spend an hour looking around the portal and clicking everything I can find to figure out the FQDN of my shiny new V2 IaaS VM.  It is nowhere to be found.  Off to Bing and Google I go.

The first link I find tells me that all you know and learned about IaaS VMs in Azure has changed.  Cloud Services and Endpoints are all gone and DNS Names have changed from mycoffeeshop.cloudapp.net to <domainlabel>.<region>.cloudapp.azure.com.  Okay, great, but how do I set the domainlabel?  Back to the portal I go looking for a domainlabel.  You guessed it:  nowhere to be found.

The first walk through I find shares a note that the DNS name is not created, but kindly ignores the topic of how to create a FQDN and suggests using the IP as if that is what I really want to do.

I fire up Skype and start pinging my friends asking if anyone knows how to do this.  I was starting to think I would just delete the resource group and start over with V1 VM because I am now about three hours in and have nothing to show for it. Not only this, I am no closer to hosting my Docker containers in my new shiny V2 IaaS VM on premium drives.  But finally Keith Mayer was able to point me in the right direction.  Had I not used the portal I would not have been in the position I was in. As Keith shows here, using ARM and PowerShell you can get the job done all at once.

But I already have a machine and I just need a FQDN on my public IP (PIP).  The only way to do this as of this writing is by dropping down to the command line and using New-AzurePublicIpAddress.  Had I known this beforehand, I would have avoided the Preview Portal all together.

Step one is to make sure you have the latest Azure PowerShell on your machine. You can download and install the Azure PowerShell modules by running the Microsoft Web Platform Installer.

Once the components are installed, we need to configure the Azure PowerShell tools to connect them to your Azure Subscription.  To begin, run the Add-AzureAccount cmdlet.  If you have more than one subscription connected to the account, you will need to set the default subscription.  You can see how to do that here.

If you were to try and use New-AzurePublicIpAddress now, you would get an error.  The reason is because that cmdlet is in another module that is not loaded by default.  To load the correct cmdlets, you need to use the Switch-AzureMode cmdlet.

Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager

Now you should be able to type:

help New-AzurePublicIpAddress

Now you need to execute the New-AzurePublicIpAddress cmdlet passing in the following arguments:

New-AzurePublicIpAddress -Name <Name> -ResourceGroupName <Resource Group> -Location <Region> -DomainNameLabel "<SubDomain>" -AllocationMethod Dynamic

This will add a public IP to your resource group.  Now you have to bind the IP to the NIC on the VM.  Using the Preview Portal, locate the resource group that contains your VM. It will also contain your network interface.  Select the network interface to open that blade.  Now click the Public IP Address that will be a link.  Click the Dissociate button in the toolbar. Don’t click the Delete button first even though it is enabled, which would lead you to believe you could, because if you do, you will get an error! Once you dissociate the IP, you can now delete it.  Hmm, maybe they should disable the Delete button if the IP is associated with a NIC. Nah! That would make too much sense. The Network Interface blade does not seem to update, but click the Settings link in that blade again anyway.  Now click the IP addresses.  Change Public IP address from Disabled to Enabled.  Now click the Configure required settings link.  On the next blade, you should see the IP you configured from PowerShell. Select the IP and, once the blade closes, click the Save button on the IP addresses blade.

Now if you return to your Virtual Machine blade and click the Public IP address link, you will open the Public IP address blade.  You will now see a new label named DNS name!  Believe it or not, you can now use that FQDN to access your VM.

Now, wasn’t that easy, boys and girls?

Comments (2) -

  • Abel Wang

    9/5/2015 6:59:24 PM | Reply

    This is my favorite blog post ever.  Hysterical, yet teaches me exactly what I need to do right now, which is using FQDN with my V2 Iaas VM!

  • jhon almary

    7/27/2016 11:27:37 AM | Reply

    like it,

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