Provisioning a Java 8, Tomcat Web app in Azure using an ARM Template

Infrastructure as Code is a DevOps practice that you can enable using Azure Resource Manager templates with Visual Studio Team Services.

There is a great resource on GitHub of quick start ARM templates.  However, I could not find one that showed me how to use ARM to provision a Web app with Java 8 and Tomcat 8 enabled. So, in this post I will show how using Visual Studio 2015 with Azure SDK 2.8.  To reduce any confusion, I am going to delete all optional resources.

We are going to begin by creating a new project in Visual Studio.

  1. Start Visual Studio
  2. From the File menu, select New > Project…
  3. Select Azure Resource Group
  4. Click OK
  5. Select Web app
  6. Click OK
  7. From Solution Explorer, select WebSite.json
  8. From the JSON Outline, delete the following resources:
    1. AutoScaleSettings
    2. ServerErrorsAlertRule
    3. ForbiddenRequestsAlertRule
    4. CPUHighAlertRule
    5. LongHttpQueueAlertRule
    6. AppInsightsComponent
  9. Copy and paste the code below into WebSite.json under the Website properties
    "resources": [
          "apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
          "name": "web",
          "type": "config",
          "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Web/sites/', variables('webSiteName'))]" ],
          "properties": {
             "javaVersion": "1.8",
             "javaContainer": "TOMCAT",
             "javaContainerVersion": "8.0"
  10. From Solution Explorer, right-click your project
  11. Select Deploy > New Deployment…
  12. Select or create a new Resource group
  13. Click Edit Parameters…

    Field Name


    hostingPlanName javahostingplan
    skuName F1
    skuCapacity 1
  14. Click Save
  15. Click Deploy
  16. You can monitor the status of your deployment from the Output window
  17. Once complete, you will have a new Java enabled Web app

Visual Studio Team Services enables the use of this template in your DevOps pipeline via the Azure Resource Group Deployment task.

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