Neptune (future features)

I have gotten some great feedback from the early adopters of Neptune and have begun development on a new version.

The most significant new feature is a POP3 interface so you can point Outlook or Outlook Express (or any POP3 Mail Client) at port 110 and see all the messages in Neptune. This will remove the need to open the trace.log file to view the contents of the processed messages. I noticed also while creating the POP3 interface that Outlook 2007 deviates from the SMTP standard by adding a space after ‘FROM:’ in the MAIL command and after the ‘TO:’ in the RCPT commands. Neptune was updated to handle this deviation.

The next idea is to allow Neptune to fail on purpose and return error codes so you can test your exception cases.

Please add comments with other suggestions for the next release.

Thanks for the support and continue to spread the word.

Comments (10) -

  • Ryan

    11/8/2008 11:40:00 PM |

    This is a great little tool, and I really look forward to the POP3 access to easily view the messages.

    I have noticed something that causes me concern. I've been playing with it by sending it emails and then retrieving them using the Neptune.Utilities.GetMessage method. After a few times of doing that, the Neptune.exe app starts consuming all of my available CPU. The only way I can reduce it's CPU usage, is to stop it. Is this problem known?

  • Busby SEO Test

    11/24/2008 8:23:04 PM |

    ty for the knowledge u share..

  • nickd

    1/23/2009 6:58:47 AM |

    I've had the massive CPU usage problem too. It's odd, because it was working fine for a few days and it only developed this behaviour today.

  • Donovan Brown

    1/29/2009 6:59:43 PM |

    I have the app running 24/7 on my machine. It is actually in my start up folder so it starts when my machine starts and have had no issues.  Can you give me some details on the boxes?  Version of Windows and such?  I am running Windows XP SP3 with no issues.  I have tested on Vista as well but don't leave it running.

    If you can provide additional information I can try and look into it for you.


  • Donovan Brown

    1/29/2009 7:14:19 PM |

    Have either of you checked the log file? I wonder if it has gotten too big.  Delete the log file and see if that fixes it.  This is just a guess. If you are not using it you can change the app.config to disable logging.

  • nickd

    3/5/2009 5:05:22 AM |

    Donovan, I checked the log file and it's not causing the problem.

    I'm XP SP3 as you are.

  • Admin

    4/3/2009 4:48:38 PM |

    Good news.  I found a way to duplicate the 100% issue. It has to do with a command that is not terminated with \r\n.  The program keeps trying to find the end of the command.  I will make sure this fix is in the next release.

  • nickd

    4/21/2009 5:40:21 AM |

    Hi Donovan.

    Have you thought about open-sourcing this utility? I'd be interested in helping out on its development if you did.


  • dcymbal

    4/23/2009 5:27:51 PM |

    Great tool.  Have seen the 100% CPU thing too.  I suspected that it might be related to the issue where the .NET 3.5 SmtpClient class that I am using doesn't seem to send a QUIT when it is done with the message and also seems to hold the TCP connection open (cached?) for long periods of time.

  • pr sydney

    12/7/2009 12:10:08 AM |

    How the new version differ from  early adopters of  neptune?

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