Reschedule a defered release

Problem:  I accepted a release and deferred the deployment to a later date but now I want to change the date of the release. Solution: You have two options.  If you simply want to release the code now you can click the Allow Deployment Now button on the release's log page. If you want to change the date of the release simply click the Properties link and adjust the time and save your changes.

Does Team Explorer Everywhere support Git

While speaking at the Dog Food Conference I was asked if Team Explorer Everywhere (the TFS plugin for Eclipsed based IDE) supported Git source control.  I actually did not know and promised to find out.  It just so happens that the 2013 release of Team Explorer Everywhere does have support for Git as explained in Brian Harry's post

Speaking at Dog Food Conference 2014

If you don't have a chance to see me at TechEd Europe or St. Louis Days of .NET I will also be speaking at Dog Food Conference 2014. Cross-Platform Development with Team Foundation Server 2013 This session provides an overview of how cross-platform teams can utilize the power of Team Foundation Server (TFS). The power of TFS can be leveraged by developers of any language and platform. We will demonstrate how to use and access TFS from Eclipse and deploy to Linux with continuous Deployment.