Why is my MS Project run so slow when connected to TFS.

Problem: With MS Project connected to TFS Project takes forever to refresh. Solution: One possible solution is to change the calculation mode from automatic to manual.  To change the calculation mode select Tools / Options / Calculation / Calculation Mode and change from automatic to manual.

Having trouble testing my WPF app with Coded UI Test

Problem: I cannot find my WPF TextBlock using the Coded UI test because the value is data bound and changes. Solution: Set the Name attribute on the controls of your View which sets the AutomationId. Explanation: Many WPF developers only place the Name attribute on items they intend to access f... [More]

How to Xcopy deploy using TFS 2010/2012

Problem I need my VS2010/VS2012 build to perform an “Xcopy deployment” of my ASP.NET application to an existing virtual directory. Solution Customize the build template to use the CopyDirectory activity to copy the ASP.NET application to the virtual directory. Explanation One of the... [More]